Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Worthless Youth

At cross roads,
often delusion and weariness,
 stop us more often than we want.
The signs are flimsy and unreadable, yet we believe so fiercely in them.
We observe the heart beat , the mood swings and read too much.
We reach cross roads, lonely and lost
The soil between our fingers crumble like dessert crust
But it was never so fertile as the time when we reached it together.
Our fingers intertwined and always afraid that the other would pull away.
We’d fall and shatter and no one we’d hear us
Our cries are silent like small villages’ nights,
where booze put inhabitants to sleep.
We all wake up forgetting, oblivious by choice
“I’m an insect now”
We tell ourselves,
“I’m an insect now!!”
Mixed with chuckles of men hiding in barns, clucking their jugs together.
The flags fluttering making tunes
only our ears could hear
We dance and sway
And convince ourselves that our days didn't fleet for nothing.

I will love you always
Even if our nights stretch to cover our reality
Even if the crossroads will bring me to you no more.
Once I chose to turn your direction
Leading me to an unknown place
Where my weaknesses are highlighted
And my charm is as valuable as a barren land
Turning for labor to fill in the minutes passing by
And no one has the desire to keep me.
Maybe it's the reason we cross
To find somebody to keep us
The talentless, the desireless
The awkward , the unconfident
We love with contempt
We clutch viciously to air
 throwing away bits of ourselves
At each crossroad

There are traces of us
Traces of our boredom and potency
 of unglamorous age
Of clumsy feet and adolescent sweat
With images undeveloped for no one would press the shutter